Our Vision

Franklin Academy will educate all students in a respectful, responsible, cooperative, and safe environment. We will provide our students with the necessary skills to be successful citizens, who are college and career ready.

Principal's Message

As Principal of FA I am filled with gratitude for the support we receive from each and every member of our family. From the very beginning, I was impressed by the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication that defines our Franklin Academy community.

It has been a pleasure to witness the formation of strong relationships among students, faculty, and staff. The bonds we've built have not only enriched our school environment but have also created a sense of belonging that I believe is crucial for personal and academic success.

One of the highlights has been the establishment of "Husky Pride" – a symbol of our collective spirit and unity. The pride we take in our school is evident in the positive atmosphere that surrounds us daily.

Our goal is to make memorable and rewarding experiences as we continue navigating through the educational process. I am confident that the best is yet to come, and I eagerly anticipate the incredible achievements and growth that await each and every one of our students.

Remember that education is a lifelong pursuit, and I am excited to continue supporting all students in academic and career pathway endeavors.

With Husky Pride,

Kurt Munson - Principal Franklin Academy

Asst. Principal's Message

I am honored and excited to work with each of you as the Assistant Principal of Franklin Academy. Having dedicated over two decades to teaching within these halls, I am deeply invested in the success and growth of our school community.

My commitment is to foster positive relationships with our students, their families, and the broader community. I believe that a supportive and collaborative environment is crucial for the holistic development of our students.

Franklin Academy has always been a place of learning, growth, and community spirit. I am enthusiastic about continuing this tradition and building upon the positive atmosphere that defines our school. Together, we will create an environment that nurtures academic excellence and values each individual's unique strengths and talents.

My goal is to work closely with our dedicated staff, parents, and community members to ensure that Franklin Academy remains a place where students are academically prepared and equipped with the skills and values necessary for their next journey beyond our walls.

I look forward to getting to know each student, collaborating with families, and engaging with the broader community. Here's to a successful and enriching academic year!

Angela Trombley - Assistant Principal, Franklin Academy


Mission of the Franklin Academy PTO 

The Franklin Academy PTO is a collaborative partnership between parents, teachers, and administrators to ensure the quality of students’ high school experience. The PTO supports a variety of activities at Franklin Academy High School, and is present at such events as concerts, open house, and graduation.   

The Franklin Academy PTO meets the first Tuesday of each month at Franklin Academy High School in Room 113, unless otherwise announced on Parent Square. 

Watch for updates and information about Franklin Academy PTO on Parent Square!

FA Monthly Newsletter

PAWsitivity Committee